Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Early FU Map

This is our F*ck Up Map which will chart our progress throughout the semester. It will run along the bottom of each board showing how we moved forward at each stage.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

WAX molds

images from above, above.  images from the side, below

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Early Prototyping and Material Testing

F*ck Up Map of Early Material Tests and Early Model Prototyping:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Formworks - Syllabus


Previous Blogs:

Class brief: Challenge the repetitive nature of casting and formwork by developing a parametric, dynamic formworks system and produce a series of elements using that system.

Products of the formworks system might include:
- a series of parametrically related casts (parametrically related castings)
o the formwork is performative and dynamic
o the formwork is a recombinant kit of parts.
- a repetitive series that can recombine (flexible unit / kit of parts)
- a casting that is itself dynamic (material dynamics)
- a flexible structural system which employs the products of your formworks


- Develop a sophisticated, well made formworks system
- Produce and assemble a large quantity of products from your formworks system
- Identify the architectural performance of the casting
- Site the products of your formworks
- Experiment with and present an argument for the material you used in your castings.
- Develop a tectonic between cast parts
o How do the products of your formwork aggregate and fit together?
o What other kinds of details, structure and materials can you integrate? The products of your formworks can be part of a larger system